
Flask-Environments provides environment tools and configuration for Flask applications


$ pip install flask-environments

Getting Started

The following code illustrates how to setup environment based configuration. The first thing to do is create a configuration file. These can be created using Python or Yaml.


class Config(object):
    DEBUG = False
    TESTING = False

class Development(Config):
    DEBUG = True
    DATABASE = 'development_db'

class Production(Config):
    DATABASE = 'production_db'


COMMON: &common
  DEBUG: False
  TESTING: False

DEVELOPMENT: &development
  <<: *common
  DEBUG: True
  DATABASE: 'development_db'

PRODUCTION: &production
  <<: *common
  DATABASE: 'production_db'

Next, create your application and initialize the Environments extensions:

from flask import Flask
from flask_environments import Environments

app = Flask(__name__)
env = Environments(self.app)

Then simply use the from_object method or the from_yaml method to load the configuration:

env.from_yaml(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'myapp', 'config.yml'))

Only the values for the specified environment will be applied.

Flask-Environments assumes an operating system environment variable named FLASK_ENV will be set to one of your possible environments. If it is not set, it will default to DEVELOPMENT.

To change the default environment or the environment varibale name pass the var_name or default_env parameters to the Environments constructor like so:

from flask import Flask
from flask_environments import Environments

app = Flask(__name__)
env = Environments(self.app, var_name='CUSTOM_VAR_NAME', default_env='CUSTOM_ENV')